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For over 20 years, Brad Stine has been by far the most unique Christian comic in the country. His desire to mix his style of intelligent and relatable comedy observations has always been supplemented by his desire to inspire believers to be bold and unapologetic about their faith in Christ. This approach has made him a sought-after comic for the “right”, appearing numerous times on Fox & Friends, Huckabee, CNN, as well as on numerous Christian broadcasts. The accolades he has received from the likes of Tucker Carlson to Eric Metaxas and ministry leaders from Promise Keepers to mega-church pastors (and everyone in between) has made him one of the most influential Christian comics, actors, writers, and apologists in the nation.

© 2023 by Brad Stine

© 2023 by Brad Stine

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Brad Stine Returns with his latest injection of truth, and this time he's upped the dosage. Get ready to learn the deal about touching strangers, sexist road signs, getting tattoos, the best use of Manatees, Women's magic powers and so much more.